1) Get Sent Message List

Parameters :
Parameter Name | Description | Type |
ApiKey | ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. |
String |
ClientId | ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. |
String |
start | Starting index value to fetch the campaign detail. | Number |
length | Ending index value to fetch the campaign detail. | Number |
fromdate | Date format must be in yyyy-mm-dd |
String |
enddate | Date format must be in yyyy-mm-dd |
String |
Content-Type: application/json or application/xml |
Type: json or xml |
Jquery Api Call : |
<script> $(function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "https://secure.xwireless.net/api/v2/SMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&start={start}&length={length}&fromdate={fromdate}&enddate={enddate}", contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json', success: function (response) { } }); }); </script> |
Json Response | Xml Response |
{ "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success", "Data": { "messages": [ { "MobileNumber": "9638812576", "SenderId": "test", "Message": "test message", "SubmitDate": "16-Mar-2018 05:12:28 PM", "MessageId": "Smsc1603635", "DoneDate": "16-Mar-2018 05:11:00 PM", "Status": "DELIVRD" }, "total":"100" ] } |
<ResponseModelOfResponseSentMessage"< <ErrorCode<0</ErrorCode< <ErrorDescription<Success</ErrorDescription< <Data< <messages< <SentMessage< <MobileNumber<9638812576</MobileNumber< <SenderId<test</SenderId< <Message<test message</Message< <SubmitDate<2018-03-16T17:12:28</SubmitDate< <MessageId<Smsc1603635</MessageId< <DoneDate<2018-03-16T17:11:00</DoneDate< <Status<DELIVRD</Status< </SentMessage< </messages< <total<1021</total< </Data< </ResponseModelOfResponseSentMessage< |
2) Get Sent Message Status

Parameters :
Parameter Name | Description | Type |
ApiKey | ApiKey used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. |
String |
ClientId | ClientId used for authentication purpose and pass this parameter in URL encoded format. |
String |
MessageId | MessageId of message |
Number |
Content-Type: application/json or application/xml |
Type: json or xml |
Jquery Api Call : |
<script> $(function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "https://secure.xwireless.net/api/v2/SMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&MessageId={MessageId}", contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json', success: function (response) { } }); }); </script> |
Json Response | Xml Response |
{ "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success", "Data": { "MobileNumber": "1", "SenderId": "test", "Message": "d", "SubmitDate": "19-Mar-2018 05:48:36 PM", "MessageId": "ae51b62e-b6b3-4091-9336-6c0d423af7fe", "DoneDate": "19-Mar-2018 05:48:36 PM", "Status": "BLACKLIST" } } |
<ResponseModelOfSentMessage< <ErrorCode<0</ErrorCode< <ErrorDescription<Success</ErrorDescription< <Data< <MobileNumber<1</MobileNumber< <SenderId<test</SenderId< <Message<d</Message< <SubmitDate<2018-03-19T17:48:36</SubmitDate< <MessageId<ae51b62e-b6b3-4091-9336-6c0d423af7fe</MessageId< <DoneDate<2018-03-19T17:48:36</DoneDate< <Status<BLACKLIST</Status< </Data< </ResponseModelOfSentMessage< |
3) Create SMS

Parameters :
Parameter Name | Description | Type |
ApiKey | ApiKey used for authentication purpose. |
String |
ClientId | ClientId used for authentication purpose. |
String |
SenderId | Approved Sender Id | String |
Message | text message to send | string |
MobileNumber | Use mobile number as comma sepreated to send message on multiple mobile number e.g. 78461230,78945612 |
string |
Is_Unicode (optional) | Is_Unicode is true or false for unicode message |
boolean |
Is_Flash (optional) | Is_Flash is true or false for flash message |
boolean |
scheduleTime (optional) | scheduleTime Date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM (only for schedule message) |
string |
groupId (optional) | Valid group-id of current user (only for group message otherwise leave empty string) | string |
serviceId (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnSubscription Service | string |
CoRelator (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service | string |
LinkId (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service | string |
Content-Type: application/json or application/xml |
Type: json or xml |
Jquery Api Call : |
<script> $(function () { $.ajax({ type: "GEt", url: "https://secure.xwireless.net/api/v2/SendSMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&SenderId={SenderId}&Message={Message} &MobileNumber={MobileNumber}", contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json', success: function (response) { } }); }); </script> |
Json Response | Xml Response |
{ "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success", "Data": [ { "MobileNumber": "7894561230", "MessageId": "3bb944ad-d943-419f-83dc-f979002a8c0b" } ] } |
<ResponseModelOfListOfManageNumberDetail> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Success</ErrorDescription> <Data> <ManageNumberDetail> <MobileNumber>7894561230</MobileNumber> <MessageId>083d9fa5-3fc6-4cac-80fa-7af8227a6c68</MessageId> </ManageNumberDetail> </Data> </ResponseModelOfListOfManageNumberDetail> |
4) Create SMS

Request Body :
{ "SenderId": "string", "Is_Unicode": true, "Is_Flash": true, "SchedTime": "string", "GroupId": "string", "Message": "string", "MobileNumbers": "string", "ApiKey": "string", "ClientId": "string", "ServiceId":"string", "CoRelator":"string", "LinkId":"string" } |
<?xml version="1.0"?> <SendSMSModel> <SenderId>string</SenderId> <Is_Unicode>true</Is_Unicode> <Is_Flash>true</Is_Flash> <SchedTime>string</SchedTime> <GroupId>string</GroupId> <Message>string</Message> <MobileNumbers>string</MobileNumbers> <ApiKey>string</ApiKey> <ClientId>string</ClientId> <ServiceId>string</ServiceId> <CoRelator>string</CoRelator> <LinkId>string</LinkId> </SendSMSModel> |
Parameter Name | Description | Type |
ApiKey | ApiKey used for authentication purpose. |
String |
ClientId | ClientId used for authentication purpose. |
String |
SenderId | Approved Sender Id | String |
Message | text message to send | string |
MobileNumber | Use mobile number as comma sepreated to send message on multiple mobile number e.g. 78461230,78945612 |
string |
Is_Unicode (optional) | Is_Unicode is ture or false for unicode message |
boolean |
Is_Flash (optional) | Is_Flash is ture or false for flash message |
boolean |
scheduleTime (optional) | scheduleTime Date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM (only for schedule message) |
string |
groupId (optional) | Valid group-id of current user (only for group message otherwise leave empty string) | string |
serviceId (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnSubscription Service | string |
CoRelator (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service | string |
LinkId (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service | string |
Content-Type: application/json or application/xml |
Type: json or xml |
Jquery Api Call : |
<script> $(function () { var Jsondata = { 'SenderId': 'hello', 'ApiKey': 'ApiKey', 'ClientId': 'ClientId', 'Message': 'Message', 'MobileNumbers': '78945613,789465124' }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://secure.xwireless.net/api/v2/SendSMS", contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata), success: function (response) { } }); }); </script> |
Json Response | Xml Response |
{ "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success", "Data": [ { "MobileNumber": "7894561230", "MessageId": "5c0780c2-d6f2-40a8-a40a-ee74e28fa4c2" } ] } |
<ResponseModelOfListOfManageNumberDetail"> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Success</ErrorDescription> <Data> <ManageNumberDetail> <MobileNumber>7894561230</MobileNumber> <MessageId>64847d15-ea24-4c51-8d15-8cfdf9b07bed</MessageId> </ManageNumberDetail> </Data> </ResponseModelOfListOfManageNumberDetail> |
5) Create Bulk SMS

Parameters :
Parameter Name | Description | Type |
ApiKey | ApiKey used for authentication purpose. |
String |
ClientId | ClientId used for authentication purpose. |
String |
SenderId | Approved Sender Id | String |
MobileNumber_Message | Please ensure while submitting the request the message should be passed in encoded format. e.g. 78461230^test~78945612^hello |
string |
Is_Unicode (optional) | Is_Unicode is ture or false for unicode message |
boolean |
Is_Flash (optional) | Is_Flash is ture or false for flash message |
boolean |
scheduleTime (optional) | scheduleTime Date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM (only for schedule message) |
string |
serviceId (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnSubscription Service | string |
CoRelator (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service | string |
LinkId (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service | string |
Content-Type: application/json or application/xml |
Type: json or xml |
Jquery Api Call : |
<script> $(function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "https://secure.xwireless.net/api/v2/SendBulkSMS?ApiKey={ApiKey}&ClientId={ClientId}&SenderId={SenderId} &MobileNumber_Message=7894561230^test", contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata), success: function (response) { } }); }); </script> |
Json Response | Xml Response |
{ "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success", "Data": [ { "MobileNumber": "7894561230", "MessageId": "fc103131-5931-4530-ba8e-aa223c769536" }, { "MobileNumber": "7894561231", "MessageId": "f893293d-d6ea-45e8-b543-40f0df28e0c9" } ] } |
<ResponseModelOfListOfManageNumberDetail> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Success</ErrorDescription> <Data> <ManageNumberDetail> <MobileNumber>7894561230</MobileNumber> <MessageId>c198232e-c57f-498f-ab72-02cdca69ca3d</MessageId> </ManageNumberDetail> <ManageNumberDetail> <MobileNumber>7894561231</MobileNumber> <MessageId>19bc3344-1b38-45c0-8656-356fdd45c81e</MessageId> </ManageNumberDetail> </Data> </ResponseModelOfListOfManageNumberDetail> |
6) Create Bulk SMS

Request Body :
{ "SenderId": "string", "Is_Unicode": true, "Is_Flash": true, "SchedTime": "string", "Messages": [ { "Number": "string", "Text": "string" }, { "Number": "string", "Text": "string" } ], "ApiKey": "string", "ClientId": "string", "ServiceId":"string", "CoRelator":"string", "LinkId":"string" } |
<?xml version="1.0"?> <SMSAPIModel> <SenderId>string</SenderId> <Is_Unicode>true</Is_Unicode> <Is_Flash>true</Is_Flash> <SchedTime>string</SchedTime> <Messages> <Number>string</Number> <Text>string</Text> </Messages> <Messages> <Number>string</Number> <Text>string</Text> </Messages> <ApiKey>string</ApiKey> <ClientId>string</ClientId> <ServiceId>string</ServiceId> <CoRelator>string</CoRelator> <LinkId>string</LinkId> </SMSAPIModel> |
Parameter Name | Description | Type |
ApiKey | ApiKey used for authentication purpose. |
String |
ClientId | ClientId used for authentication purpose. |
String |
SenderId | Approved Sender Id | String |
MobileNumber_Message | Please ensure while submitting the request the message should be passed in encoded format. e.g. 78461230^test~78945612^hello |
string |
Is_Unicode (optional) | Is_Unicode is ture or false for unicode message |
boolean |
Is_Flash (optional) | Is_Flash is ture or false for flash message |
boolean |
scheduleTime (optional) | scheduleTime Date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM (only for schedule message) |
string |
serviceId (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnSubscription Service | string |
CoRelator (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service | string |
LinkId (optional) | Parameter required for using SDP OnDemand Service | string |
Content-Type: application/json or application/xml |
Type: json or xml |
Jquery Api Call : |
<script> $(function () { var Jsondata = { 'SenderId': 'hello', 'ApiKey': 'ApiKey', 'ClientId': 'ClientId', "Messages": [ { "Number": "7894561230", "Text": "test" }, { "Number": "7894561231", "Text": "test" } ] }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://secure.xwireless.net/api/v2/SendBulkSMS", contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify(Jsondata), success: function (response) { } }); }); </script> |
Json Response | Xml Response |
{ "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success", "Data": [ { "MobileNumber": "7894561230", "MessageId": "fc103131-5931-4530-ba8e-aa223c769536" }, { "MobileNumber": "7894561231", "MessageId": "f893293d-d6ea-45e8-b543-40f0df28e0c9" } ] } |
<ResponseModelOfListOfManageNumberDetail> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorDescription>Success</ErrorDescription> <Data> <ManageNumberDetail> <MobileNumber>7894561230</MobileNumber> <MessageId>c198232e-c57f-498f-ab72-02cdca69ca3d</MessageId> </ManageNumberDetail> <ManageNumberDetail> <MobileNumber>7894561231</MobileNumber> <MessageId>19bc3344-1b38-45c0-8656-356fdd45c81e</MessageId> </ManageNumberDetail> </Data> </ResponseModelOfListOfManageNumberDetail> |