The Administration module is the main administrative TAB of the application and has every control to manage any user account....
User Management is divided into multiple Tab controls for better layout of controls.
Detail of every tab is explained in the following section.
Clicking on User Management ---> User Dashboard. This will take you to Ma...
Profile Tab will display basic information about the user account.
It has a link Impersonate User which helps you to login/impersonate as user. Your password is required for login (Note: Post impersonation you ...
API tab covers details of various rights and privileges pertaining to HTTP API.
Some additional privileges, such as SPAM validation and Account locking due to SPAM can also be activated/deactivated from this tab.
Details of ea...
In this Tab, you can find all the active services...
SenderID tab allows a Reseller to Active or Deactive SenderId. Refer to below screenshot...
You can allow open template option from this tab and also view the existing template status.
By Clicking “View Template” button you can see all the templates....
Message detail tab has links to view Delivery Report and Message details link.
Delivery Report link shows consolidated data of messages sent in last three days from user account along with various status....
Credit tab displays resent credit transfers and available credit for any user account.
Click on add more credits to add credit to the user account. You can transfer credits to various service like SMS/voice depending upon the type of servi...
Client transaction: All credit transaction are available in these section with a filter based on account role and date range....
In here admin can find all the sender ID requested by the users. All pending or approved sender id’s can be viewed here. Please note that all Sender IDs must be Submitted for Approval by Reseller before We can process at our end. To submi...
This feature allows Resellers to find all SMS template submitted by users...
Step 1: Domain pointing - Setup an A Record for your domain or sub domain which should point to our IP address 2: Add Domain Name: ...
The Rate Template Tab allows Resellers to setup Rate templates so it is easy for them to setup prices of the various networks for their clients quickly.To Set Manage Rate Template Click on1. ADMINSTRATION --->Manage Rate Te...